Ebola in the US, CDC Hides the News with Embargo

Ebola has reached the US. Yesterday, the CDC announced that a man was being treated for the disease in Dallas, Texas. He is the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the US since the outbreak began in western Africa earlier this year.

Ebola has reached the US. Yesterday, the CDC announced that a man was being treated for the disease in Dallas, Texas. He is the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the US since the outbreak began in western Africa earlier this year. The patient had been visiting family in Liberia and began to show symptoms of Ebola several days after his return. After quarantining the patient, the CDC apparently also tried to hide the news with a media embargo.


The Dallas Morning News broke the embargo early Monday, ultimately forcing the CDC to confirm the case. A tweet from NBC’s Luke Russet suggests that the national news networks were complicit in keeping the news from the public until the local paper forced their hand. One must now wonder if secrecy is the best policy during a potential Ebola outbreak. You are now probably not the only one questioning what else the CDC might be hiding…