Computer Can Create Its Own Magic Tricks

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed artificial intelligence that can create its own magic tricks available for download.

artificial magic tricks

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed artificial intelligence that can create magic tricks (specifically, those based on math) all on its own.

Once their program learns the basics of creating magic jigsaws and “mind reading” stunts, it can generate many variants of these tricks by itself. This could be particularly handy if you like to impress your friends on a regular basis — you could show them a new card trick every time without having to do much work.

Professor Peter McOwan, part of the QMUL team who worked on the project, added:

Using AI to create magic tricks is a great way to demonstrate the possibilities of computer intelligence and it also forms a part of our research in to the psychology of being a spectator. For example, we suspected that audiences would be suspicious of the involvement of technology in the delivery of a trick but we’ve found out that isn’t the case.

The best part? You can try some of these computer-generated tricks yourself. The 12 Magicians of Osiris magic jigsaw is available as a web pack, and you can download the Android component for one card trick, Phoney, from Google Play.

[Read more at Queen Mary University of London]