Trippy New Video for Flying Lotus – You’re Dead!

NSFW due to a very high creepy factor, or as Flying Lotus describes it: “A shamanic pilgrimage into the psychedelic unknown of the infinite afterlife.”

Trippy new animated preview for Flying Lotus’s – You’re Dead! being released by Warp Records on October 6/7. WarningNSFW due to a very high creepy factor, or as Flying Lotus describes it: “A shamanic pilgrimage into the psychedelic unknown of the infinite afterlife.”

What Does Human Meat Taste Like?

Reaching into the dark depths of cannibalism for inspiration, two London chefs are opening a human meat themed burger stand…

goya human flesh

Reaching into the dark depths of cannibalism for inspiration, two London chefs are opening a human meat themed burger stand to promote the latest season of The Walking Dead. Since the consumption of human meat is presently illegal, the burgers were developed based off of research into the words of some of history’s most famous serial killers and explorers. In particular, the chefs were influenced by author and journalist William Seabrook’s 1920’s account of a human rump roast meal with the Guere tribe of West Africa:


It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted… It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have.”

The Terminus Tavern will be serving patties created from a custom blend of veal, beef, and pork. Read more cannibal quotes about the taste of human meat at The Independent.

Amazing New Shape-Shifting Liquid Metal

Liquid metal is not a new invention, but a team of researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new method to control the metal’s shape.

Liquid Metal
Scientists apply voltage to shape-shifting liquid metal.


Liquid metal is not a new invention, but a team of researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new method to control the metal’s shape. By applying a low voltage current the team was able to break the liquid metal’s surface tension and allow it to flow in and out of differently shaped molds. Currently considered uses of the shape-shifting liquid metal range from self-healing circuitry to adjustable antennas. Terminator 2-style killer liquid metal robots surely can’t be far behind… read more at North Carolina State University.

New Super Creepy Music from “Gone Girl”

More creepy music that inspires Dark5’s weird YouTube soundtracks…

More creepy music that inspires Dark5’s weird YouTube soundtracks…




Over the weekend, Nine Inch Nails front man, Trent Reznor, released his latest collaboration with dark ambient and electronic composer, Atticus Ross, and director of Gone Girl, David Fincher. The group last worked together on the Academy Award winning soundtrack for The Social Network, focusing on a theme of “creativity.” The mood for Gone Girl is decidedly more sinister… Here is a inspiration for the score as described by Reznor and Fincher in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal:

Reznor: “[Fincher] said, ‘Think about the really terrible music you hear in massage parlors… The way that it artificially tries to make you feel like everything’s OK. And then imagine that sound starting to curdle and unravel.'”

Fincher: “I said a spa, not a massage parlor! I was listening to that calming, placating music and thought, we need to tap into this. The movie is about the facade of the good neighbor, the good Christian, the good wife. So the notion was to start with music that’s attempting to give you a hug.”

Please accept Dark5’s warm embrace.

Chicken From Hell Dinosaur Discovered

Chicken From Hell Dinosaur

Meet the chicken from hell dinosaur.

This is the nickname given to a newly discovered dinosaur that lived 66 million years ago. Officially known as “Anzu wyliei,” the 11-foot-long, 500-pound is an oviraptorosaur—a family of two-legged, birdlike dinosaurs. It is among the largest feathered dinosaurs ever found in North America.

Chicken From Hell Dinosaur
Mark Klingler/Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Meet the chicken from hell dinosaur.

This is the nickname given to a newly discovered dinosaur that lived 66 million years ago. Officially known as “Anzu wyliei,” the 11-foot-long, 500-pound is an oviraptorosaur—a family of two-legged, birdlike dinosaurs. It is among the largest feathered dinosaurs ever found in North America.

It was “as close as you can get to a bird without being a bird,” said study leader Matt Lamanna, a vertebrate paleontologist at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. “You might think this was a really, really weird-looking bird,” Lamanna added. “… But, in fact, this was a very bird-like dinosaur … with a really long bony tail, very large hands and really sharp claws.

The Anzu wyliei was probably an omnivore that ate whatever it wanted, including vegetation and small animals. It could easily run down prey, with its thigh bone sporting bony ridges where large muscles could attach.

Fossils of the Anzu wyliei were first excavted from the Hell Creek formation of South and North Dakota several years ago. However, it took years to identify and study all the remains.

Source: NPR

Woolly Mammoth Clone Closer to Reality

vial of woolly mammoth blood

A woolly mammoth clone may now be a bit closer to reality. This is thanks to an international team of researchers which has discovered blood in a woolly mammoth frozen for 43,000 years.

vial of woolly mammoth blood

A woolly mammoth clone may now be a bit closer to reality. This is thanks to an international team of researchers which has discovered blood in a woolly mammoth frozen for 43,000 years.

Woolly Mammoth being studied

The woolly mammoth, found May 2013 on Malolyakhovskiy island, has undergone careful study for the past year. The carcass was remarkably well preserved, giving scientists new insight into the mammoth’s digestive and circulatory systems.

Discussing the potential for cloning, Semyon Grigoryev, head of the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk, part of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North at the North Eastern Federal University said, “The next question is how to use an elephant in the cloning process. The evolutionary path of the mammoth and the elephant diverged a long time ago. So even if we could get a ‘living cell’ we need to have a special method of cloning. The Koreans are working on getting the clones from different species, but, you see, it is not so fast. If we do not get ‘living cell’, we will have a longer route. Then we should create artificial DNA, it could take 50 or 60 years.”

“So we have a unique opportunity to understand how the mammoth’s blood system worked, its muscles and the trunk. Of course, we are engaged primarily in fundamental science. It is important to us to learn all possible details about mammoth. Maybe our findings will be used by applied science, but now it is early to think of it. And I repeat once again that cloning – despite our discovery, it is a very distant prospect, involving years and decades of work.”

Read more: Siberian Times

Watch: 5 Extinct Animals That May Still Roam the Earth

There’s a massive whale graveyard in the middle of the Chilean desert. But what caused it? Paleontologists think they have the answer…

Chile whale grave

In 2010, a mysterious whale graveyard was found in the middle of Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth. The area was covered by the sea millions of years ago, so the discovery of marine mammal fossils wasn’t a surprise. But no one knew why the fossils of so many whales – at least 40 – would be found in the same location…

Chile whale grave

In 2010, a mysterious whale graveyard was found in the middle of Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth. The area was covered by the sea millions of years ago, so the discovery of marine mammal fossils wasn’t a surprise. But no one knew why the fossils of so many whales – at least 40 – would be found in the same location.

A paleontologist working with the Smithsonian Institute recently discovered the answer: a common ocean algae. The algae bloomed profusely in the area 6 to 9 million years ago, triggered by iron-rich runoff from the Andes Mountains. The algae produced a deadly neurotoxin that caused rapid organ failure and death when ingested.

Chile whale graveyard excavation

One major clue was the fact that all of the whale skeletons were facing belly-up – an indication that they died at sea as opposed to beaching themselves en masse as sometimes seen in marine mammals today. Other clues include fossil algae mats found on the skeletons and the presence of an assortment of other marine mammal fossils in the area. These additional fossils indicate that a large event killed them all at the same time.

Source: Smithsonian Science

Oldest Rock On Earth Found

Oldest known piece of the Earth - zircron

A tiny zircon crystal found on a sheep ranch in Western Australia has been dated to 4.4 billion years ago, making it the oldest known piece of our planet. The discovery indicates that the Earth’s crust formed just relatively soon after the planet itself formed – only 160 years after the formation of the solar system.

Oldest known piece of the Earth - zircron
University of Wisconsin

A tiny zircon crystal found on a sheep ranch in Western Australia has been dated to 4.4 billion years ago, making it the oldest known piece of our planet. The discovery of this oldest rock indicates that the Earth’s crust formed just relatively soon after the planet itself formed – only 160 million years after the formation of the solar system.

Earth timeline and crust formation
University of Wisconsin

The study was conducted by an international team lead by University of Wisconsin-Madison geoscience Professor John Valley and published in the journal Natural Geoscience.

The gem’s age was confirmed using two different methods, the widely used method that measured the radioactive decay of uranium to lead in a mineral sample and a new method known as atom-probe tomography that was able to identify individual atoms of lead in the crystal and determine their mass.

According to Valley, the findings support the “cool early Earth” theory that hypothesized that the Earth’s temperature was low enough to support liquid water and oceans shortly after the Earth’s crust solidified.

“This may also help us understand how other habitable planets would form,” added Valley.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

Can This Ultimeyes App Give You Superhuman Vision?


Scientists have created an iPad app that can give a person superhuman vision after repeated use. Rather than changing the structure of the eye, the app works by training the brain to better process the information it receives from the eye.


Scientists have created an iPad app that can give a person superhuman vision after repeated use. Rather than changing the structure of the eye, the app works by training the brain to better process the information it receives from the eye.

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside tested the app UltimEyes on 19 players on the school’s baseball team. After 30 25-minute sessions over the course of 2 months, the app lengthened the distance at which the players could see clearly by an average of 31 percent. Most of the players had their vision improve beyond normal 20/20, and seven of the players were able to achieve 20/7.5 vision. This means that they could see something at 20 feet away that a person with normal 20/20 vision could only see at 7.5 feet away.

Screenshot from UltimEyes
Screenshot from UltimEyes

The app taps into a concept known as neuroplasticity which is related to how the adult brain can adapt and be re-wired. Eyes subtly change over time, but the brain constantly adjusts for these changes The app essentially trains the brain to make the right changes. Scientists hope to tap into the concept to tackle other issues like improved hearing and memory.

Ultimeyes is currently available for $5.99 at

Read more at Popular Mechanics

Incredible Bionic Hand Has Allowed This Amputee To Feel Again

Bionic Hand

Nine years ago, a Danish man lost his left hand in a fireworks accident. But now, electrodes surgically implanted in his nerves and connected to a prosthetic hand have made him the first amputee to feel again.

Bionic Hand

Nine years ago, a Danish man lost his left hand in a fireworks accident. But now, electrodes surgically implanted in his nerves and connected to a bionic hand have made him the first amputee to feel again.

Researchers from Switzerland and Italy, implanted the electrodes into Dennis Aabo Sørensen’s arm in February 2013. One month later, the researchers blindfolded Sørensen, and placed an object in his hand while music played in his headphones. The researchers asked him to describe an object they placed in his prosthetic hand, and his brain activity suddenly lit up as if he was actually touching the object. Sørensen could tell that the object was round and knew he had just been handed a baseball.

It will be years before such a prosthetic is available to the public, but scientists are hopeful after this incredible first step.

Source: USA Today