Mystery Submarine Stalks Sweden

A suspicious submarine sighting off the Swedish coast has set off a a new “hunt for Red October.”


A suspicious submarine sighting off the Swedish coast has set off a a new “hunt for Red October.” The search for the mystery invader is ongoing after the Swedish military released photos of a “foreign vessel” found near the Stockholm archipelago. The Swedish government is not yet in a position to make formal accusations, but signs are pointing toward Russia being the culprit.

On Friday, October 17th, Swedish intelligence believe they intercepted a distress signal emanating from their waters and directed towards Kaliningrad, home to the Russian Baltic fleet’s headquarters. The message was in code, but sent on an emergency frequency indicating that whatever is hiding near Stockholm may be damaged or having mechanical difficulties.


Following the sightings and signal intercept, Sweden’s Baltic Sea Navy has been mobilized to levels not seen since the Cold War in an effort the hunt down the intruder. Over 200 service personnel along with helicopters, minesweepers and an anti-submarine corvette fitted with stealth-type anti-radar masking are now combing the area.

An incident would certainly not be a first for Russia, which has a history of having its submarines caught in deadly or compromising situations.

[via The Inquisitr]