Mystery Virus Causing Paralysis in Children

Nine children in a single Colorado hospital are suffering from a mystery virus that is causing spinal tissue scarring and leading to paralysis of limbs. Doctors believe the damage may be linked to the recent outbreak of Enterovirus D68 that is sweeping the country.

cdc enterovirus

Nine children in a single Colorado hospital are suffering from a mystery virus that is causing spinal tissue scarring and leading to paralysis of limbs. Doctors believe the damage may be linked to the recent outbreak of Enterovirus D68 that is sweeping the country. Enterovirus D68 typically only causes respiratory illness with symptoms similar to the flu, although esvere cases can result in difficulty breathing and sometimes death. Children have proven easily susceptible to the virus, making the latest developments especially frightening.

Scientists investigating the outbreak are in the process of sequencing the D68 genome to see if it has mutated from its earlier form to cause the paralysis. Dr. Mark Pallansch, director of the CDC’s viral diseases division, says the Denver outbreak is unprecedented and that the CDC’s investigation will take some time:

“There is not a lot of definitive information, but all together, it makes for a very unusual situation,” Pallansch said. “I’ve never seen it before.”

No vaccine or treatment options are currently available.

[h/t] NPR