Watch: Thieves Hurl Chainsaws at Police in Chase

Police in pursuit of two hardware store thieves in Duluth, GA found themselves evading chainsaws thrown from the back of the getaway vehicle.

Police in pursuit of two hardware store thieves in Duluth, GA found themselves evading chainsaws thrown from the back of the getaway vehicle.

Vocativ reports:

After the men had robbed $19,000 in Weedwackers and chainsaws from two other stores, the policeman spied the thieves leaving a Howard Brothers hardware at 1:30 a.m. Seeing as it wasn’t exactly the right hour for a gardening goods run, the officer turned on his lights and followed in hot pursuit.

That’s when they threw chainsaws at him.

At least one of the flying death machines found its mark, doing at least $3,000 in damage to the officer’s cruiser and ending the chase three minutes after it started. The two bandits ran from their car and into the woods, where those chainsaws would have also come in handy. They have yet to be found.

Local news would later clarify that the weapons used to evade pursuing officers included “three chainsaws AND a weed-eater.”