Incredible Bionic Hand Has Allowed This Amputee To Feel Again

Bionic Hand

Nine years ago, a Danish man lost his left hand in a fireworks accident. But now, electrodes surgically implanted in his nerves and connected to a prosthetic hand have made him the first amputee to feel again.

Bionic Hand

Nine years ago, a Danish man lost his left hand in a fireworks accident. But now, electrodes surgically implanted in his nerves and connected to a bionic hand have made him the first amputee to feel again.

Researchers from Switzerland and Italy, implanted the electrodes into Dennis Aabo Sørensen’s arm in February 2013. One month later, the researchers blindfolded Sørensen, and placed an object in his hand while music played in his headphones. The researchers asked him to describe an object they placed in his prosthetic hand, and his brain activity suddenly lit up as if he was actually touching the object. Sørensen could tell that the object was round and knew he had just been handed a baseball.

It will be years before such a prosthetic is available to the public, but scientists are hopeful after this incredible first step.

Source: USA Today